McCain Palin - Ticket to Nowhere

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Millions of living American men and women served their country admirably in World War I,World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars.  Thousands were tortured. Many more thousands lost limbs, suffered brain damage, or carry a piece  of shrapnel in their bodies, These brave men and women go to work everyday, have raised families and contribute to America.
The difference between these men and women from John McCain is they do not remind their families and children everyday that they suffered for their country.
McCain, on the other hand, whines and whines about how he was tortured more than 40 years ago.  Many VETS feel like McCain is just a whiner and that his whining should stop.  The Vietnam war took a great toll on America and many vets still struggle everyday.  McCain has had a pretty sweet life since the war by contrast: he is a Senator, he is rich and he is running for President.  It  is time to stop whining Johnny and do something to help those VETS who are less fortunate!
The Republican Party and McCain somehow believe that surrendering to the Vietnamese and spending time in the Hanoi Hilton more than 40 years ago qualifies McCain to be President.  This is probably because McCain is the first Republican presidential candidate that didn't dodge the draft like Cheney and didn't sit out the war in Texas like Bush.
The simple truth is that being a POW and doing exactly what your communist captors tell you to do is not the stuff of leadership.  It does not qualify you as a President.
The Republicans and McCain also like to say that McCain was "battle-tested" and a "fighter."  Nothing is further from the truth - he surrendered instead of fighting and dying for his country.

Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +
Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +
Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +
Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +
Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +
Stop Whining About Your Past Johnny +


McCain Congratulates Unwed Pregnant Teen and The Father of her Baby

McCain is so rich he can't remember how many houses he has.