The Chief Advocate For Sending America's Sons and Daughters To Iraq Knowingly and Willingly Applied For
And Received Five Deferments From The Draft During The Vietnam War!
Vice President Dick Cheney is another Bush Administration Hawk who likes to wave
the flag and send Americans to war even though he did not have the courage to serve his country during the Vietnam War.
According to Dick, he had "other priorities" while 350 or so of his peers were being killed
each week while he avoided his service.
You can bet that the 58,000 plus members of the armed forces who died in Vietnam fighting
for their country also had other priorities than being shot and killed in their teens and twenties.
Maybe Dick should get in his Vice-Presidential Limo for the short two minute ride to the Vietnam
Memorial not far from his office and take a look at "The Wall." With a little ingenuity, he could probably track down
the families of those who died and ask them if their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers had any "other
priorities" during the Vietnam War.
As everyone knows, many Bush Administration Officials have a similar excuse for avoiding their
military service.
But lets not forget the Republican Senators who avoided Vietnam as well. Top of the
list Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. Poor little Saxby was dying to go to Vietnam, but that darn trick knee kept him out.
He just had to let the draft board know about it!
Just like he had to challenge decorated Vietnam Veteran Senator Max Cleland's patriotism. Max lost
both his legs in the service of his country in Vietnam and lost the election to Saxby "trick knee" Chambliss.