Now the republicans are always proposing some idotic amendment to the Constitution in a presidential year to get the base
to the polls even though the amendment has zero chance of passage. Ron RayGun had the ban abortion amendment, Georgie
I had the stop desecrating the flag amendment, and Georgie II the no gay marriages on my watch amendment.
Which leads BringItOn to call for a real Constitutional Amendment - one to to realign the apportionment of the Senate
since these backward Republicans from the desert, pig, and beef states are just so, well, stupid.
Think Chuck Hagel, Orrin Hatch, John Kyl.
Here is the plan by population. The top 17 states get 3 Senators, the next 16 get 2 senators, and the lowest
17 get 1? Not perfect, but it is a little more representative of the country's views than the
extremist views of a cattle rancher living off federal land in Wyoming.
Wouldn't it be nice if Wyoming (less than 1 million people) will no longer be able to push around
California, Texas, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan or New Jersey!
Under the New Plan to Democratize the United States:
the following 17 states with less than 2 million citizens would lose 1 Senator:
Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, North Dakota, Delaware, South Dakota, Montana, Rhode Island, Idaho, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Nevada,
Maine, New Mexico, Nebraska, Utah, and West Virginia.
the following 16 states would retain 2 Senators:
Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, Iowa, Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Colorado, South Carolina, Arizona,
Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, Minnesota, Maryland, and Washington.
the following 17 states would gain 1 Senator: California, Texas, New York, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts, North
Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana and Tennesee.