The Republican Record - The Culture of Life
George "W" Bush - "... the legislative branch, the executive branch ought to err on the side
of life, which we have."
Started and led an unecessary war in Iraq that has killed more than 100,000 Iraqis (mainly innocent women and children)
and 2500 American soldiers.
Approved the Execution of 152 inmates in Texas Prisons (a national record).
Cut millions from Medicaid that supplies life support to thousands of Americans in Hospitals.
26 Prisoners of the Afghan and Iraqi war were murdered while in U.S. custody.
24 Iraqi Women, Children, and Men allegedly murdered by US Marines in November 2005 in Hadatha including the 6 month
old baby shown above.
Acting solely on political instinct, he dramatically flew to Washington to sign the Terry Shiavo bill even though he
knew it would not change the decision of the courts.
William Bennett, Former Secretary of Education (Regan) and Former Drug Czar (Bush) thinks we can reduce crime by aborting
all African American pregnancies. The Republican Culture of Life apparently now excludes not only Muslims but African
Americans as well. Them white folk Republicans!
"But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole
purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," said Bennett, author of "The
Book of Virtues."
Tom "The Exterminator" DeLay
Seeing an opportunity to avoid news reports about his improper actions as a Republican leader in the House of Representatives,
he pushed the Terry Shiavo bill even though he knew it would not change the decision of the courts.
He was indicted anyway and faces conspiracy to commit fraud charges.