Georgie - What Is Wrong With Your Brain?
The Christian-in-Chief in a May 31, 2005 news conference called a
human rights report "absurd" for criticizing the United States' detention of terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, and said Tuesday the allegations were made by "people who hate America." The ill-informed
president also stated:
"It's absurd. It's an absurd allegation. The United
States is a country that promotes freedom around the world," Bush said of the Amnesty International report that compared Guantanamo
to a Soviet-era gulag.
Of course, the Bush Administration has continually asserted that the
detainees at Guantanamo have: no rights to due process including: no right to counsel, no right to a hearing to determine
whether there is any reason to hold the detainee, no right to a trial by jury or an appeal which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Even the Conservative Supreme Court this summer bashed Bush for
denying the prisoners basic human and constitutional rights.
During the same news conference, our clueless Christian leader went
on to criticize the Russian government for its prosecution and conviction of former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky who was
the richest man in Russia. Khodorkovsky was convicted on May 30, 2005 of fraud and tax evasion and sentenced to nine years
in prison following a trial. Bush said, "it looked like he had been judged guilty prior to having a fair trial" and noted
that the case showed a backsliding away from the rule of law and democracy in Russia and said it will "be interesting to see"
how Khodorkovsky's expected appeal is handled by the government. Priceless!
Without a brain in his head or the ability to remember what he had
said minutes before concerning the Guantanamo detainees, the clueless one said:
"Here, you're innocent until proven guilty and it appeared
to us, at least people in my administration, that it looked like he had been ajudged guilty prior to having a fair trial,"
Bush said. "We're watching the ongoing case."
So while the clueless one knows that in American you are "innocent
until proven guilty, " he continues to imprison detainees in Guitmo for more than three years without a trial or hearing or
a chance to prove their innocence. God Bless America!