The War On American Freedom Continues
According to a wire service report (Reuters) on February 9, 2006, Scooter Libby has now implicated
Cheney as authorizing the leak and disclosure of a CIA agent in order to discredit her husband.
This is a bombshell. Senator Kennedy put it best,
"These charges, if true, represent a new low in the already sordid case of partisan interests being
placed above national security," Kennedy said. "The vice president's vindictiveness in defending the misguided war in Iraq
is obvious. If he used classified information to defend it, he should be prepared to take full responsibility."
It is time for all Americans to realize that Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld are not really concerned about
our safety. Instead, they are concerned only about retaining political power to enact their right wing agenda.
They have repeated used the fear of terrorism as a means of winning political support.
Cheney should resign and if he doesn't he should be impeached and tried as the felon he is. Our entire
system of government is under attack and the people need to react.
Stop sleeping and get on the phone to your Republican Senators who continue to support this illegal
regime. The Democrats already know what is at stake, but it will take the entire nation to stop the Bush Administration
that is out of control and operating in an illegal and unconstitutional manner.