We at bringiton do not care what anyone says. Hayden is one scary dude who resembles another freedom-hating convicted
felon named Admiral Poindexter.
Presiding over the National Security Agency's illegal intrusion into citizen's privacy, he has the appropriate disrespect
for the law and the Constitution that would make any Republican proud. Like his boss, he should be charged with felonies
for his violations of the Foreign Intellegence Surveillance Act when American comes to it senses.
The new Director for the CIA admitted publically, prior to his confirmation hearings in 2006, that he and his co-conspiratiors
at the NSA have been illegally and unconstitutionally tapping phones of ordinary Americans.
This was evidenced by Hayden "whoops I did it again" admission that he was ignorant of the proper legal standard
under the Constitution needed to secure a warrant. According to the ill-informed Hayden, he maintained
that the Fourth Amendment ONLY PROTECTS CITIZENS from "unreasonable" searches.
The infantile legal analysis presumably provided to him to by "Constitutionally-Challenged" Bush Adminsitration
attorneys like Harriet Myers or Alberto "Torture Boy" Gonzales assumes that "reasonable searches" can
be conducted at will.
Nice try General, but maybe you should stick to directing air assaults. For a warrant
to issue, the seeker of the warrant must prove to a court's satifaction that he has PROBABLE CAUSE
for its issuance.
Doesn't the Bush Team have any lawyers who have passed a basic constitutional law class that can advise idiots
like Bush, Cheney, Rice and Gonzales what every first year law student in America knows?